Dreams take shape when innovation and collaboration meets execution

Building Your Construction Success Through a Collaborative Approach

Our comprehensive suite of construction solutions are designed to elevate your project to new heights of excellence and efficiency.

From pre-construction planning to seamless project management, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Before the first brick is laid or the first beam is raised, success begins with meticulous planning. Our experience has paved the way for seamless project execution, ensuring that every detail is carefully considered and every challenge anticipated.


Pre-construction Services

Our goals during Pre-Construction are to provide accurate cost and schedule evaluations and establish a plan for successful construction.

Early in the process, we identify and address budget parameters, schedule constraints, phasing requirements, and quality expectations. During this process, we identify and eliminate any obstacles that stand in the way of a successful project. Our Pre-Construction services include:

  • Site selection
  • Pre-construction team development
  • Project coordination and planning
  • Early-round budgeting
  • Selection of building system
  • Lead Expertize
  • MEP review / coordination
  • Construct ability reviews
  • Work package scope development
  • Value engineering
  • Subcontractor solicitation and prequalification
  • Cost and quality control

Construction Management

Williams-Brown, Inc. is typically selected as the construction manager during the design phase to provide turn-key construction services.

We provide these services on an at-risk basis, where we are responsible for all trade contracts, performance, and scheduling.

General Contracting

When Williams-Brown, Inc. is chosen for the role of General Contractor, we are brought to the team at the end of the design phase.

Working with the client, architect, and engineers, we bring value to the project by delivering our client’s project on schedule and within budget, to meet expectations.


Utilizing design-build provides single-source responsibility and the potential for rapid completion. Throughout the design process, we play an essential role by reviewing and critiquing the design to ensure constructability while maximizing the value for each dollar spent. Our goal is to identify solutions that will best satisfy the projects objectives in a functional, aesthetic, and economical manner. This results in an efficient and cost effective design, and ultimately the delivery of a successful project.

Our Reputation

Let's Talk

Ready to turn your vision into reality? Contact us today to discover how we can bring your project to life with passion, precision, and unparalleled professionalism.